Secluded Cabin with TWO Screened-In Porches | Covington, GA

When I realized this cabin had two screened-in porches, I was immediately sold. And they both have tons of seating, one of them even has a hammock. Great nap potential! There is also a fire pit and dock with seating on the property. The home features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living spaces, a kitchen, and a small dining area. This is great for a group of friends or a few couples. With the property being about 40 minutes from Atlanta, you can enjoy the small-town feel in Covington but still have the ability to drive into Atlanta! Book your stay at this property Surprisingly, there are a ton of open dates at this Airbnb. I’d definitely stay here for a few nights, I love how secluded it is. View On AirbnbSUMMER DISCOUNTS | ★ … Continue reading Secluded Cabin with TWO Screened-In Porches | Covington, GA