Alpaca treehouse in a bamboo forest! | Atlanta, GA

This treehouse has been featured in a ton of places like Netflix shows and even music videos. The house is on a rescue farm the hosts have made over the years that is a home to llamas, alpacas, chickens, dogs, and cats! You’re more than welcome to pet these animals but be mindful. This treehouse is filled with antiques and is built from reclaimed elements. Scroll down and check out the stained glass, french doors, and the beautiful multicolored bead board! Click on the listing below and read up on the details of how this house was built. I am in love with the swinging bed and wrap-around deck. Book your stay at this property This airbnb is pretty booked up until about July 2022. Looks like it’s used for weddings a lot, but would … Continue reading Alpaca treehouse in a bamboo forest! | Atlanta, GA