Rental Wishlist

Stay in Shrek’s SWAMP in the Hills of the Scottish Highlands

Earwax candles, eyeball martinis, parfaits, morning waffles…what else could you want to live out the swamp life? Maybe a mud bath too. This one-time opportunity will be open to 3 guests for a 2-night stay this October. Scroll down to see that this is an exact replica of Shrek’s swamp…from the bed, big sitting chair, dining area, and even the outhouse and beware signs outside! Is it weird to say that I might be fangirling? I wonder if donkey will be there.

Book your stay at this property

Booking opens October 13th at 1 PM EDT! Set your alarms and mark your calendars. 3 guests will get the chance to stay here for 2 nights only.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime type of experience! Especially if you’re a big fan of the Shrek franchise.

Things to keep in mind before attempting to book, you are responsible for your travel to and from Scotland, toilet/sink/shower facilities are off-site (20 meters from the swamp), you need an active Airbnb profile to book, other party members must be above 5 years of age, there will be 24 hour security on site, there is no kitchen but meals are provided, and pets cannot stay here.

Let us know if you’d like to start seeing more rentals outside of the U.S.!